Who is OneCity Worship?

OneCity Worship is a project decades in the making. Directed by Gary Moyers and Josh Wheeler, many of the members of OneCity are former members of Lubbock Christian University’s mixed ensemble vocal group Best Friends. It was this common bond that brought them together.

Lubbock Christian holds their annual Homecoming festivities in February. In 2018, Josh was asked to put together a team to lead worship for the homecoming alumni chapel. The decision was made to recruit former members of Best Friends for the event. The time of worship was a success and Josh was asked to do the same in 2019 and 2020.

After the 2020 alumni chapel, there were multiple calls for the group to continue. Why wait for another homecoming? After a season of prayer and discussion, the decision was made to move forward with the group and OneCity Worship was born.

OneCity Worship is Gary Evans Jr, Cameron Insilan, Gary Moyers, Amanda Rogers, Jackson Setliff, Abbey Setliff, DeLeisha Sheppard, John Paul Sheppard, Josh Wheeler and Mandy Wheeler. We have several more members who fill in from time to time. 

What Does OneCity Do?

The goal of OneCity Worship is to provide worship training and resources to churches everywhere. We choose to offer a more hands-on approach. While we may post a new arrangement of music from time to time, that is not our focus. 

WORSHIP TRAINING: One of the beautiful things about a cappella worship is the variety of styles and approaches you’ll find from church to church. Many churches offer a single song leader who directs the congregation as the choir. On the other end of the spectrum, you’ll find full praise teams standing at the front leading together, complete with a vocal percussionist. No matter where your church falls or where it may be headed, OneCity Worship would like to help. 

We offer weekend weekend seminars with training in multiple areas: praise team creation and management, multimedia and audio/visual training, vocal percussion school and much more. 

RESOURCES: OneCity Worship can provide a worship event, either in conjunction with the weekend seminar or as a standalone event. This evening of worship will feature wonderful music led by our experienced team (including full multimedia) along with short gospel-centered messages of hope. The idea is that this event can be used as an outreach tool for your community and as encouragement for your church. 

Why Are We Doing This?

In a time when division is more prevalent than anyone can remember, the call for unity is stronger than ever. Ephesians 4 says, “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all.” 

The members of OneCity Worship are comprised of people from multiple churches across Lubbock, Texas, all utilizing different worship styles. We want to represent unity and offer an opportunity for others to do the same. 

One body. One Spirit. One hope. OneCity.